Sunday, June 1, 2008

June 1-Happy 6th birthday Paige

Today is Paige's 6th Birthday. she is survived by her loving family and by the people who had a change to be appart of her life. we all liss her dearly and wish that she was here but heavenly father had a bigger plan for her up there and needed her help. she is now a year older and another year we will miss her. it has been about 10 months since the fatial car accident. I love Paige more than anything and I will never forget her. she has inspired me in so many ways that i could even speak. she will always be my best friend and will always be in my prayers. when ever i am dancing a dance at my studio, i feel that she is there with me, dancing with me, helping me to become a better dancer and giving me strength to work hard. No words can explain the loss of such a beautiful little girl. Happy Birthday Paige! i love you girlie! <3